OnRobot 2FG7 | electrical

Código: RBTX-ONROBOT-0001

  • Complete, easy-to-program, collaborative parallel gripper gets to work fast in a wide range of applications
  • Strong parallel gripper is easy to deploy in tight spaces and handles demanding payload requirements
  • Get fast ROI with a single flexible, intelligent, and precise gripper that can be easily customized and adapted for many tasks
  • Ready for use almost anywhere, with IP67 rating for harsh environments and ISO Class 5 certification for cleanroom use

Prazo de entrega normal: 3 semanas


Principais características

ABB CRB 15000 New GoFa - 1v2-removebg-preview (1)

Passende Roboter auf RBTX:

icon pick place

Application example

Material handling

Perfect for mixed and small batch production: the settings can be quickly and easily adapted to the parts to be processed.

Soluções de baixo custo criadas com o RBTX

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